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  • 6 Cocktail Recipes to Enjoy on Sunny Days

    Ready for some more sunshine? We know we are. And we’ve got the perfect cocktails for you to make and enjoy during your next (informal) happy hour. Whether it’s in your backyard, on your balcony or in the brightest corner of your apartment, get comfy and get ready to hear the lovely melody of ice […]

  • Flat lay with coffee, leaves and hat

    4 Specialty Coffee Recipes

    As the days get shorter, it’s normal to need extra help to get going in the morning. Between natural light becoming scarce, temperatures cooling down and the hectic back to school rush, a caffeinated drink might be just what you need to start your day off on the right foot.

  • 4 Easy Summer Salad Recipes

    It’s noon and your stomach is starting to growl. You’re hungry for something precise: a light afternoon meal. The solution is an easy-to-make salad that you can take to the office or to a picnic. As an added bonus, fresh, local ingredients […]